In the days between Delta and Omicron we were happy to participate in an event arranged by the Ministry of Economics and Trade and hosted by The Jerusalem Water Utility, and present before a delegation from A2A at the Sorek Water Reclamation Plant .
The Sorek Water Reclamation Plant is the third largest WWTP in Israel and treats over 100,000 Cubic Meters of wastewater per day. For many years IOSight’s iGreen platform has been used extensively by the plant managers for process and quality monitoring, and regulatory compliance.
One of the unique aspects of this facility is its large-scale recovered energy production capacity (over 12 million KW per year) – generated from the biogas produced during the anaerobic treatment process. IOSight has recently expanded its work with Sorek, and added to its current installation an innovative, algorithm-based solution for optimization of the biogas yield and recovered energy production process.